Plain Rugs

Plain Rugs

Our collection of plain, luxury rugs are designed to introduce an important layer of luxury to your home. Rugs play an important role in the creation of a space, they offer a feeling of warmth, assist in carrying colour schemes and help clearly define spaces in your interior design. This is why we believe investing in a luxury; designer plain rug can truly change both the look and feel of your home. 


When it comes to rugs, you don’t need to be daring in design to make a statement. A plain rug can make its presence known with its beautiful, single colour and luxurious texture. This choice of rugs offers versatility due to its subtlety as well as making it a smart investment as you’re able to easily move it from room to room if you’re looking to change up the experience of your space. 


It's important to consider the size you have available and how you want to showcase the pieces you want to place on top of your new rug before making the purchase, and with such a wide range of options we understand it can be difficult to know where to begin. That’s why our experts in all things interior luxury are here to help. From picking the material that will best suit your everyday life, to the styling of your new rug, our experts are happy to help you consider all elements when choosing your latest soft furnishing. 


These are just a few of the designer plain rugs that we have on offer. Quality, style and material are the top priorities for our luxury rugs. Our team carefully selects and crafts only the finest designs with the best craftsmanship available to guarantee excellence with every soft furnish purchase you make. With quality assurance at every step of the process, when you buy a rug with Larkbury London, you can feel confident that you’re investing in a piece that’s created to last a lifetime.